Depression, PTSD, OCD, and Bipolar disorder
After the initial consultation and evaluation, if you are a candidate for Ketamine infusions, you will be scheduled for 6 infusions within a period of 3 weeks.
With the exception of driving, you will not have any activity restrictions immediately after the treatment. Please expect to spend about 1.5 hours at each visit. You will need a driver.
Some people will feel symptomatic improvement even after the first infusion. Most people will require multiple treatments before becoming optimized. Most patients will require repeat ‘booster’ infusions following the completion of the initial series.
Learn more about our PTSD Program Here.
Consultation: $150
to be deducted from the treatment cost if the patient is a candidate for the infusions
Initial Infusions:
$500/ infusion
Repeat ‘booster’ infusions:
$400/ infusion